You would like to find out more about our blister packaging machines, cartoners, packaging lines or our
extensive services portfolio? Then get in touch with us. We are there for you around the globe.


Christoph Absalon

Global Account Manager

Dr. Katharina Seitz

Global Account Manager

Jannik Holzäpfel

Global Account Manager

Service team global

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH
Dieselstraße 13
72285 Pfalzgrafenweiler

Our service team is ready for you from 7 A.M. until 
6 P.M. from Monday through Friday (local time DE).

Spare Parts Team Global

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH
Dieselstraße 13
72285 Pfalzgrafenweiler

Our service team is ready for you from 7 A.M. until 
6 P.M. from Monday through Friday (local time DE).

Service team USA

KOCH Packaging Systems Inc.
1050 Nine North Drive, Suite D
Alpharetta, GA 30004 . USA

Our service team is ready for you from 7 A.M. until 
6 P.M. from Monday through Friday (local time USA).

Spare parts team USA

KOCH Packaging Systems Inc.
1050 Nine North Drive, Suite D
Alpharetta, GA 30004 . USA

Our service team is ready for you from 7 A.M. until 
6 P.M. from Monday through Friday (local time USA).

Service team South-East-Asia

KOCH Singapore Packaging Systems Pte, Ltd.
107 Eunos Avenue 3, #01-01
Singapore 409837 . Singapore

Our service team is ready for you from 7 A.M. until
 6 P.M. from Monday through Friday (local time SG).


Christoph Absalon

Global Account Manager

Dr. Katharina Seitz

Global Account Manager

Hartmut Diehl

Director Consumer Products



Uhlmann Packaging Systems LP

44 Indian Lane East
Towaco, NJ 07082 . USA

KOCH Packaging Systems Inc.

44 Indian Lane East
Towaco, NJ 07082 . USA

KOCH Packaging Systems Inc.

1050 Nine North Drive, Suite D
Alpharetta, GA 30004 . USA

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH c/o Uhlmann Packaging Systems (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.

Unit 1801, Silver Tower,
No. 218 South Xi Zang Road
Shanghai 200021 China

+86 21 3302 3658-211
+86 21 3302 3659

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH c/o Uhlmann India Pvt. Ltd.

Plot No.PAP-A 29/21, Oppo. Gate 8A,
MIDC Chakan, Phase 4, Nighoje,
Ta. Khed, Pune-410501, Indien

Bickel & Wolf GmbH

Wiener Straße 53 
3002 Pukersdorf . Austria 

+43 2231 673 90
+43 2231 673 90-10

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH c/o Pharm Technologies LLC

Prospect Energetikov
dom 70, litera B, pom. 229
193318 St. Petersburg. Russland

+7 812 38530-30

Bickel & Wolf spol.s.r.o.

Náměstĺ 5. května 25
252 25 Jinočany . Czech Republic

+420 257 320 278
+420 257 320 061

Uhlmann UK Ltd.

Unit 6, Lakeside Business Park
GU479DN Sandhurst, Berkshire . Großbritannien

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH c/o Uhlmann Nordiska AB

Gruvgatan 33
421 30 Västra Frölunda . Schweden

KF Technologie

ul. Łuki Wielkie 1
02-434 Warszawa . Poland

+48 602 243 310
+48 22 8733 664

Bickel & Wolf PRODIMPEX S.R.L.

Cotroceni Business Center
7, Iuliu Maniu Blvd., T tower, 2nd floor
061072, 6th district, Bucharest. Romania

+40 21 490 62 51
+40 21 490 62 50

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH c/o Pharm Technologies LLC

Prospect Energetikov
dom 70, litera B, pom. 229
193318 St. Petersburg. Russland

+7 812 38530-30

Uhlmann Pac-Systems Ibérica, SL

Avenida de Labradores 1
2ª planta, oficina 4
28760 Tres Cantos . Spanien

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH c/o Uhlmann Nordiska AB

Gruvgatan 33
421 30 Västra Frölunda . Schweden

PT Dhass Sumber Tekhnik

Rukan Mahkota Mas Blok K No. 28-29
Jl. MH. Thamrin
15117 Tangerang, Banten Indonesia

+62 21 554 1505

KOCH Singapore Packaging Systems Pte Ltd

107 Eunos Avenue 3, #01-01
Singapore 409837

Hirshberg Brothers & Co. Ltd.

P.O. Box 400
18 Galgalei
Haplada St.
Herzliya B 46103 . Israel

+97 2 99 52 16 53
+97 2 99 54 36 54

IMT corporation

ARK Akihabara Bldg.
1-1-16 Taito, Taito-Ku
Tokyo, 110-0016 . Japan

+81 3 3837 2550
+81 3 3837 2551

KOCH Singapore Packaging Systems Pte Ltd

107 Eunos Avenue 3, #01-01
Singapore 409837

Booster Autotech Co. Ltd.

No. 109, Bo'ai St., Nantun Dist.
408 Taichuang. Taiwan

KOCH Singapore Packaging Systems Pte Ltd

107 Eunos Avenue 3, #01-01
Singapore 409837

Uhlmann Técnica Ltda.

Rod. Geraldo Scavone 2.080 U.A. 46
Condominio Industrial Indusvale
12305-490 Jacarei - SP . Brasil

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH

Dieselstrasse 13
72285 Pfalzgrafenweiler . Germany

+49 7445 181-0
+49 7445 181-50

KOCH Pac-Systeme Bureau France

50, avenue d´Alsace
68027 Colmar Cedex . France

+33 3 89 41 33 94
+49 7445 181-3258

Uhlmann Técnica Ltda.

Rod. Geraldo Scavone 2.080 U.A. 46
Condominio Industrial Indusvale
12305-490 Jacarei - SP . Brasil

Uhlmann Técnica Ltda.

Rod. Geraldo Scavone 2.080 U.A. 46
Condominio Industrial Indusvale
12305-490 Jacarei - SP . Brasil

Uhlmann Técnica Ltda.

Rod. Geraldo Scavone 2.080 U.A. 46
Condominio Industrial Indusvale
12305-490 Jacarei - SP . Brasil

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH c/o Pharm Technologies LLC

Prospect Energetikov
dom 70, litera B, pom. 229
193318 St. Petersburg. Russland

+7 812 38530-30

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH c/o Pharm Technologies LLC

Prospect Energetikov
dom 70, litera B, pom. 229
193318 St. Petersburg. Russland

+7 812 38530-30

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH c/o Pharm Technologies LLC

Prospect Energetikov
dom 70, litera B, pom. 229
193318 St. Petersburg. Russland

+7 812 38530-30

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH c/o Pharm Technologies LLC

Prospect Energetikov
dom 70, litera B, pom. 229
193318 St. Petersburg. Russland

+7 812 38530-30

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH c/o Pharm Technologies LLC

Prospect Energetikov
dom 70, litera B, pom. 229
193318 St. Petersburg. Russland

+7 812 38530-30

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH c/o Pharm Technologies LLC

Prospect Energetikov
dom 70, litera B, pom. 229
193318 St. Petersburg. Russland

+7 812 38530-30

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH c/o Pharm Technologies LLC

Prospect Energetikov
dom 70, litera B, pom. 229
193318 St. Petersburg. Russland

+7 812 38530-30

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH c/o Pharm Technologies LLC

Prospect Energetikov
dom 70, litera B, pom. 229
193318 St. Petersburg. Russland

+7 812 38530-30

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH c/o Uhlmann Nordiska AB

Gruvgatan 33
421 30 Västra Frölunda . Schweden

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH c/o Uhlmann Nordiska AB

Gruvgatan 33
421 30 Västra Frölunda . Schweden

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH c/o Uhlmann Nordiska AB

Gruvgatan 33
421 30 Västra Frölunda . Schweden

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH c/o Uhlmann Nordiska AB

Gruvgatan 33
421 30 Västra Frölunda . Schweden

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH c/o Uhlmann Nordiska AB

Gruvgatan 33
421 30 Västra Frölunda . Schweden

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH c/o Uhlmann Nordiska AB

Gruvgatan 33
421 30 Västra Frölunda . Schweden

Uhlmann Pac-Systems Ibérica, SL

Avenida de Labradores 1
2ª planta, oficina 4
28760 Tres Cantos . Spanien

Fette Compacting Mexico, SA de CV

Adolfo Prieto No. 1638, Colonia Del Valle Sur
03100 Mexico, DF

Uhlmann Packaging Systems LP

44 Indian Lane East
Towaco, NJ 07082 . USA

Barbin Makina

3. Cad. Birlik 1 İş Merkezi No.5 Kat:4  D: 61
Beylikdüzü/İstanbul . Turkey

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH

Dieselstrasse 13
72285 Pfalzgrafenweiler . Germany

+49 7445 181-0
+49 7445 181-50

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH

Dieselstrasse 13
72285 Pfalzgrafenweiler . Germany

+49 7445 181-0
+49 7445 181-50

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH

Dieselstrasse 13
72285 Pfalzgrafenweiler . Germany

+49 7445 181-0
+49 7445 181-50

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH

Dieselstrasse 13
72285 Pfalzgrafenweiler . Germany

+49 7445 181-0
+49 7445 181-50

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH

Dieselstrasse 13
72285 Pfalzgrafenweiler . Germany

+49 7445 181-0
+49 7445 181-50

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH

Dieselstrasse 13
72285 Pfalzgrafenweiler . Germany

+49 7445 181-0
+49 7445 181-50

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH

Dieselstrasse 13
72285 Pfalzgrafenweiler . Germany

+49 7445 181-0
+49 7445 181-50

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH

Dieselstrasse 13
72285 Pfalzgrafenweiler . Germany

+49 7445 181-0
+49 7445 181-50

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH

Dieselstrasse 13
72285 Pfalzgrafenweiler . Germany

+49 7445 181-0
+49 7445 181-50

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH

Dieselstrasse 13
72285 Pfalzgrafenweiler . Germany

+49 7445 181-0
+49 7445 181-50

KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH

Dieselstrasse 13
72285 Pfalzgrafenweiler . Germany

+49 7445 181-0
+49 7445 181-50